
Showing posts from May, 2019

8 Weeks Post Op!

I can't believe it has been 8 weeks!! So crazy how time flies! So I had my 8 week post op appointment today and the surgeon is really happy with how everything is looking and there is really no issues. I am no longer wearing any tape/bandages and I have been told I can stop wearing the compression binder when I like but to be honest I am actually more comfortable wearing it as when I have taken it off I can occasionally feel a pulling feeling so it's all about comfort at the moment.I may just wear it when I exercise but I guess I'll decide that soon. I am also back at work now, I have been back almost two weeks and considering it is a desk job I have been exhausted since going back! Literally going to bed at 9pm and falling straight to sleep...This is probably good tho! I haven't been walking in the gym much since i've been back at work but I have just been walking 2km to the station in the morning and 2km back home in the evening...that's at least somethin