
Showing posts from April, 2019

4 Weeks Post Op!

So after my few little issues and being back on anti-biotics everything has cleared up really well! From my last update I spent a week changing bandages every single day and cleaning the incision lines which seemed to do the trick, especially happy with the fact the surgeon and nurse were able to stop a problem before it got bad so I'm very grateful for the quick intervention!! So saying this I'm feeling good enough to be going down to the gym to get on the treadmill. I'm still not able to do heavy workouts at the moment and still in my compression binder but to be honest I am getting tired really quickly after I have had so many weeks of inactivity so the treadmill is enough for the moment. I especially don't want to do anything too crazy with this last set back so I am taking it easy to make sure I heal properly! It did feel good to put those gym clothes on again though haha So this has been a pretty short update but really the main thing is my little set bac

3 Weeks Post Op!

So I thought I would give you all my weekly update! I am currently 3 weeks post op and have had a few little issues come up but despite the issues looking a bit skinnier 😜 So essentially when I changed my tape on Monday I could see a little bit of a wet spot with a bit of discharge (sorry for being graphic) in the incision, I did have an appointment scheduled for Wednesday to be checked out by the surgeon so I didn't worry too much and there wasn't any pain. On Tuesday night I did notice another section of the incision swelling and becoming really red and there was a bit more pain than normal so I was glad to have an appointment the next day just in case. If anyone knows me they know I get super anxious and play every possible scenario in my head of what could happen haha! So essentially I went to my 3 week post op appointment and everything was cleaned up and looked at. There wasn't too much of a concern however the surgeon has put me back on anti biotics just to

2 Weeks Post Op!

Time has flown! I had my 2 week post op appointment on Tuesday and everything was looked at and dressings changed. Pain wise I am doing really well and now I can actually sit in a normal chair without too many issues. So with my post op appointment my dressings were changed from the big padded  gauze type to just the dressing tape that goes over the incision...this is so much more comfortable I assure you. I still have a patch over my belly button just to keep it clean as it does take a little longer to heal however I am changing this when I need to. The tape is left on when I shower so this is only replaced once a week or if it starts to fall off. I  was given a box of different things at my last appointment which included some of the tape, extra bandages and some soap free body wash to shower with so it's all pretty organised! So really at the moment I'm just doing everything I'm told to try and heal as quickly as possible. Generally I wouldn't have another appoi