My First week at home!
So today I have been at home for a full week!! I also can't believe that this blog has reached 1200 people which is absolutely amazing and I thank everyone that is reading for following the journey with me! If any of you have any questions at all please feel free to comment and I will try and answer anything based on my experience...I mean let's be honest I don't have anything else to do with my time haha! first week at home...this week has gone so fast it's crazy! I have finished all my anti inflammatory and anti biotic tablets so the only medication I am on currently is pain killers when I need them but pleased to advise I didn't take any at all last night but I did need them this morning but it's definitely not a bad pain and it's all pretty manageable. I am moving around a lot more. As I said in one of my previous posts I was super lucky to not have any nausea but I didn't want to speak too soon...well I am lucky I added in the part of...