
Showing posts from March, 2019

My First week at home!

So today I have been at home for a full week!! I also can't believe that this blog has reached 1200 people which is absolutely amazing and I thank everyone that is reading for following the journey with me! If any of you have any questions at all please feel free to comment and I will try and answer anything based on my experience...I mean let's be honest I don't have anything else to do with my time haha! first week at home...this week has gone so fast it's crazy! I have finished all my anti inflammatory and anti biotic tablets so the only medication I am on currently is pain killers when I need them but pleased to advise I didn't take any at all last night but I did need them this morning but it's definitely not a bad pain and it's all pretty manageable. I am moving around a lot more. As I said in one of my previous posts I was super lucky to not have any nausea but I didn't want to speak too soon...well I am lucky I added in the part of

7 Days Post Op!!!

OMG! I can't believe this time a week ago I had just woken up from the operation! It has been a hard week I'm not gonna lie but to be honest I thought it was going to be much worse...Hopefully I don't speak too soon because it has only been a week and complications can still happen. So I had my first post op appointment yesterday with my surgeon and his nurse and they had a look at everything. Everything is all looking really good and all my dressing were cleaned up and changed as well as a couple of post op photos taken for their office...I know I should have taken a pic for myself to upload for you to see when I was there but I completely forgot and I was just curious to see what it all looked like under the bandages and got lost in the moment! I also did something called Healite, now this is basically just like an LED light therapy which helps the wounds heal. I don't know the exact science behind it but I did have this with my last surgical wounds and I had no he

At home recovery.

So I've currently been home for about 48hours not too much has changed but thought I would give you all an update. I can see already that I have had almost 600 page views on this blog which I was not expecting so I thank you for following my journey and I honestly hope this helps you in what knowing to expect if you are ready to undertake it! At my last pre surgery appointment I was given an amazing recovery pack from the surgeons office that just included everything to make recovery that little bit easier, things like vitamin supplements and tea does really help choosing an amazing surgeon because they think of these tiny details that I probably wouldn't have even considered...the packs definitely do come in handy and I am obsessed with the Vitamin C/Arginine supplement drink because it's exactly like orange juice but without the calories!!! I need to find where to buy this actually 🤔 So pain wise it is getting better with each day. I was given very stron

I'm Home!!!!!

I am home!! So I didn't have the best sleep for my last night in hospital but it was more to do with being a little uncomfortable in the binder and finding a good position than any pain although I did have to ask for panadol at about 4am because of a headache. As far as the incision pain goes I have been taking slow release pain killers so I am actually surprised how well they are working at minimising the pain. So last night I was able to be a bit more mobile, I am standing upright and I walked around the ward a couple of times just to keep moving. I had my last blood thinning injection last night however I still need to keep the compression socks on at home and walk around to prevent blood clots. I had a visit from Dr Barnett's nurse, Jenny before I was discharged this morning to check on my progress and after this my final drain tube was removed. I am also super happy in the fact that I have now mastered the hook and eye clasps on my compression binder that are right in


So after the pretty bad day I had yesterday I was hoping things could only get better. Happy to say that I do feel a lot better than yesterday and I haven't almost fainted which is definitely an improvement. I have been able to get up and walk around a little bit and I actually had a really good sleep last night...So good in fact I didn't even wake up when the nurses came into my room in the middle of the night to inject my blood thinner. I had another visit from my surgeon this morning to check everything is ok which was good and the nurses are still managing my pain really well. I got a bit over confident last night and decided to not take a pain killer before bed because I was feeling fine...let me tell you big mistake! When I woke up to move and go to the bathroom this morning all the pain killers had worn off and I could feel every incision!!! Don't let your pain killers wear off completely!!! Luckily this was quickly rectified and I was comfortable with the pain le

The Day After!

Today has certainly been eventful! Basically I am still being monitored every hour and the nurses here are doing an amazing job looking after me. I  am still on IV antibiotics and blood thinning injections in the legs. The one thing I was worried about today was the removal of the catheter and not knowing what to expect...It was nothing to be worried about at all and I have no idea why I was so paranoid about it. The bad news of the day I almost fainted! The nurse did get me out of bed moving and I walked around a little bit however when I was going to attempt to make myself look presentable in the bathroom a rush of heat came over me and all of a sudden I could barely see because my vision was so blurry. I was pretty much blind for what felt like a solid 5 minutes (I'm sure I'm exaggerating the length of time but it felt like ages!) I was put in a wheelchair to get me back to my bed so I wouldn't completely pass out, as suspected my blood pressure was so low however I

I'm Awake!!!

I'm awake!!! Not gonna lie, I woke up and I was in a lot of pain. For my surgery I have my own pain pump so essentially whenever I feel any pain I can push a button that administers strong pain killers through an IV. The worst of it so far was probably the first 15 minutes after waking up before the drugs came into effect (I had my pain pump and they gave me additional panadol on top). The surgery started at about 9:30am and when I woke up in recovery it was approx 1:30pm. Dr Barnett came to check on me not too long after waking up and informed me he took off 4kg of excess skin!! I was impressed losing 4kg in a day let me tell you! Ha ha! Now for the graphic part...I  have a number of drains inserted to get rid of any excess fluid etc not only that but because I can't really move much they put a catheter in during surgery so I am not having to get up to use the toilet...this is a first for me and I am a bit concerned I will be awake when they take it out tomorrow not sure

OMG the day has arrived!!

So the day of the Tummy Tuck operation has finally arrived! To say that I am nervous is an understatement. It is definitely a different kind of feeling going into this surgery. The previous surgery was all about excitement... Let's be honest I was getting amazing new boobs...this time around although I am getting an amazing new stomach major abdominal surgery is not to be taken lightly. Let me stress no surgery should be taken lightly but I am much more terrified of going under for this than I was for the last one! The last surgery I had was a long one (about 7hrs) and being a surgery where I can't use my arms I figured that's gotta be the worst one right? Get that out of the way first? I may have underestimated what I am about to go through! Although this one is much shorter (I believe about 4hrs) I think I may be in for a harder recovery than the last and I may have just realised that you do in fact use your abdominal muscles for pretty much everything! Ha ha! Although n

A bit of background!

Welcome! So to start off I will give you a little background about myself. 3 years ago I started a weight loss journey by changing my lifestyle through diet and exercise...I know I should of started this blog earlier right...but anyway this has lead me to lose almost 60kg and with that comes a lot of excess skin! Skipping ahead, after a tonne of research (over 12 months) and many doctors appointments to find the perfect surgeon for my situation, I selected to go with Dr Geoff Barnett from Cosmetic surgery for Women and Men in Hawthorn East. After going to the free information nights they hold and being armed with a heap of questions, once I was satisfied with everything I was ready to jump in and go ahead. 6 months ago I underwent a Breast Lift and Arm lift to fix my sagging breasts and excess skin on my arms (also with Geoff Barnett)...I know another thing I should of documented...however fast forward to today and I have decided t