
So after the pretty bad day I had yesterday I was hoping things could only get better. Happy to say that I do feel a lot better than yesterday and I haven't almost fainted which is definitely an improvement. I have been able to get up and walk around a little bit and I actually had a really good sleep last night...So good in fact I didn't even wake up when the nurses came into my room in the middle of the night to inject my blood thinner.

I had another visit from my surgeon this morning to check everything is ok which was good and the nurses are still managing my pain really well. I got a bit over confident last night and decided to not take a pain killer before bed because I was feeling fine...let me tell you big mistake! When I woke up to move and go to the bathroom this morning all the pain killers had worn off and I could feel every incision!!! Don't let your pain killers wear off completely!!! Luckily this was quickly rectified and I was comfortable with the pain level within about 10 minutes.

After surgery I had 3 drainage tubes inserted so after meeting with the surgeon this morning he gave the go ahead to remove 2 of them so at this stage I just have the one in which will stay in place before I go home. The removal of the drain tubes probably isn't the best experience but it's not painful it's more just uncomfortable and a weird feeling, it can't really be described but definitely nothing to be worried about!

Probably the best news of the day was that I was able to have a shower!!! My last surgery I wasn't able to shower for 2 weeks so to hear them say I can have a shower today was a dream come true!! The nurses waterproofed my bandages and helped to shower me...FYI I have no idea how they do their job everyday but I'm sure they don't get paid enough for some of the stuff they do! Haha

After a shower and a fresh compression garment I do feel a lot better and somewhat human again. I was able to get a sneak peak at the early results so far and I am already super happy and know this is all worth it!


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