I'm Awake!!!

I'm awake!!! Not gonna lie, I woke up and I was in a lot of pain. For my surgery I have my own pain pump so essentially whenever I feel any pain I can push a button that administers strong pain killers through an IV. The worst of it so far was probably the first 15 minutes after waking up before the drugs came into effect (I had my pain pump and they gave me additional panadol on top).

The surgery started at about 9:30am and when I woke up in recovery it was approx 1:30pm. Dr Barnett came to check on me not too long after waking up and informed me he took off 4kg of excess skin!! I was impressed losing 4kg in a day let me tell you! Ha ha!

Now for the graphic part...I  have a number of drains inserted to get rid of any excess fluid etc not only that but because I can't really move much they put a catheter in during surgery so I am not having to get up to use the toilet...this is a first for me and I am a bit concerned I will be awake when they take it out tomorrow not sure what to expect at all but it's all part of the experience right! LOL

The nurses here are absoloutely fantastic and have been amazing. I am being monitored every hour (blood pressure, temp etc..) and with the monitoring I am also being given anti-biotics through an IV in my hand (I think about 3 times a day) and anti blood clot injections in my leg (once a day). In addition I have to wear compression socks and my legs are strapped into a machine that compresses my legs to also prevent blood clots, it just feels a bit like a leg massage.

Basically for the rest of the day and night I will be bed bound. So far the nurses have been amazing in managing my pain level so at this stage it's just more uncomfortable than painful and I haven't really had to move so I think the worst is yet to come!

Tomorrow they will be getting me out of bed as well as taking the catheter out and then stopping the pain pump to change over to oral pain killers...I will be in for an interesting day and will be sure to update! Until then I will leave you with the below basically just to have a laugh at my expense...Haha yeah I look super high!


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