At home recovery.

So I've currently been home for about 48hours not too much has changed but thought I would give you all an update. I can see already that I have had almost 600 page views on this blog which I was not expecting so I thank you for following my journey and I honestly hope this helps you in what knowing to expect if you are ready to undertake it!

At my last pre surgery appointment I was given an amazing recovery pack from the surgeons office that just included everything to make recovery that little bit easier, things like vitamin supplements and tea does really help choosing an amazing surgeon because they think of these tiny details that I probably wouldn't have even considered...the packs definitely do come in handy and I am obsessed with the Vitamin C/Arginine supplement drink because it's exactly like orange juice but without the calories!!! I need to find where to buy this actually πŸ€”

So pain wise it is getting better with each day. I was given very strong pain killers (OXY) however at this stage I haven't needed to use these at all and I have mainly been taking Panadeine Forte or normal Panadol depending on the pain level. Yesterday I took a Panadeine  at about 2pm and didn't really need anymore until about 3am when I woke up for the bathroom. I am also now only taking one tablet instead of two with my doses so gradually I'm getting there. I am still on anti inflammatory tablets for a couple more days and I still have anti biotics for about another week. I still have the odd time where if I move the wrong way I will feel a stabbing pain along the incision line...I tend to feel it more in my right side and a couple of my bandages are starting to lift but nothing to be really concerned about this stage, I have my first post op appointment tomorrow  so they will have a look and make sure everything is fine and will also change my dressings. Hopefully after my appointment I can have a proper shower as the last shower I had was in the hospital after they waterproofed my dressings. At the moment I have basically just been spot washing my bits! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Once I can have a proper shower I will be grateful to wash my hair properly😁

In regards to my mobility I am walking a little bit better and I can go to the bathroom by myself (FYI if you read my previous posts there is finally movement and I feel much better! Haha!) I'm still trying to get up every hour or so, the only thing I am having a super hard time with is sitting in a normal seat. The only place I am comfortable at the moment is sitting up in bed so I am eating my meals standing at the kitchen bench or in bed rather than the dining table just due to comfort.

I also have the company of my little boy that hasn't really left my side since I have been home...he has certainly got a sense that something isn't right and is making sure he is always near by to look after me in case something happens...glad to have my mum here cooking meals and cleaning up after my boy also πŸ‘‡

So in summary all is going well so far and I am sure I will update you after my first post op appointment tomorrow...At this stage definitely no regrets!!!


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